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Fair Share Massachusetts engaged Rising Tide Interactive to develop a digital media program to help build and sustain support for Question 1, a constitutional amendment to levy a 4% tax on income over $1 million to create a dedicated source of revenue for public education and transportation. 



A Layered Approach

By combining 1:1 targeting with premium placements, search, and CTV/OTT, we were able to reach the voters who polling indicated would be most receptive to our message across screens at an effective frequency. 


Three Phases

Early Introduction


  • Late spring through mid summer
  • Establish narrative before opposition
  • Inoculation
Core Messaging


  • Late summer into fall
  • Digital first and digital only voters
  • Core message + key targets


  • Final four weeks
  • Respond directly to opposition disinfo + attacks
  • Based on media narrative and tracking polls

Targeted Messaging

We developed several creative concepts, including studio spots, filmed testimonials, and animations. By digging into crosstabs from polling, we were able to match specific segments of voters with the messages most likely to resonate.


We carefully managed search bids and budgets to ensure top placement on key search terms, scaled up to match search volume in the days leading up to Election Day, and drafted new search copy to reflect new developments and emphasize important messages highlighted by polling. 




Overall, the campaign ran for 24 weeks, served over 101 million impressions, and delivered more than 77 million completed video views to voters across the Commonwealth.

Measure 1 was approved by voters, delivering $2.2 billion in revenue in the first year.